Meaningful Connection
What relationships in your life nurture your heart?

Posted on Mon 13 Jun 2022 · by Jennifer Dale
Connection is like water. We drink it in, and it nourishes and sustains us. I believe that connection with others is one of our most basic needs.
A few weeks ago, I had a healing realization. Part of why I was feeling so disoriented was that, after two years away from a work environment, I craved the energy of in-person teamwork. I missed the inspiration of connection…something many of us have probably felt recently.
I need people! Laughter. Joy. Listening to others’ stories. Feeling the energy that boils up in the room as we collaborate together and give and take according to each others’ needs. And, as those of you who know me well will vouch, I like to talk!
For me, my most rewarding relationships are with the people with whom I’ve built something – a family, a team, a program, event, or company. There’s something forever binding about the connections formed while sharing the rewards of inspired purpose and dedication.
Beyond the accomplishments is the beauty of the process. As Homer said, “The journey is the thing.”
What feeds my heart are the quiet one-on-one moments when I can focus intently on just one set of eyes at a time. When I can listen to understand, and understand simply to honor. I don’t need to get busy solving others' problems, but I can hold enough space to hear how to respond.
Most of all, to see them in a way so they know they are loved — without conditions, limitations, or labels. I see them whole, free, beautiful…right now.
I love finding opportunities to connect directly with someone’s eyes and tell them exactly what I see and love in them – the specific qualities they express, or the specific ways they have helped me or touched my heart. Perhaps it's something I saw them do for another.
This kind of connection is about celebrating another’s good, and our world needs more of it.
I’m grateful for the deeply nourishing connections I have with sister friends, women of true grace and strength. With all the moves that I’ve made in my life, I’m not often anywhere long enough to become a lasting figure in any group, but I’ve always found heart friends wherever I go.
Good friendship is more about quality than quantity.
Heart friends remain close, even though I may be far away. They stay close in my heart, and when I think of or see them again, it feels like no time has passed.
When our connection is deep and significant, unfiltered, undistracted by the trivial or mundane, it shines clear and purposeful. We share memories, inspiration, the lessons we taught one another, or learned together, and the impact we made on each other’s lives.
If you haven’t yet, make space in your calendar to meet a heart friend once a week for a walk. You’ll get some nice fresh air and exercise and, most importantly, fill your tank “solving all the world’s problems!”
What relationships in your life nurture your heart? Who in your life connects with you in these ways:
- They “get” you and see your values, motives and strengths
- Their example inspires you to action
- They bring their best and encourage the best in you
- They make you feel seen, appreciated and loved
Connection can also be immediate. Have you ever met someone and known right away that something bigger brought you together? You trust them instinctively and feel that, somewhere along the way, you’ve shared the same path.
These impactful connections can happen anywhere, any time. I’ve experienced them 30,000 feet in the air during a conversation with a stranger on a three hour flight home! These isolated connections can change your life forever. They feel so complete that you yearn for nothing more.
Like water, a meaningful connection can wash over us like a warm bath. Conversation leaves us cleansed, forgiven, and clear about who we are. We’re ready to move forward, knowing that a friend who sees us for who we are believes in and supports us.
During this past year, I’ve experienced a beautiful gift of connection as our HHJ team has taken shape. Somehow, working entirely remotely, we’ve found each other. An idea bigger than ourselves has called each of us to volunteer our time and inspiration to build something of significant value that we believe will lift others. We’re still on mile 1 of the journey, but the company has been glorious, and the bonds are taking deep root.
And every woman reading this is included in this expanding community. XOXO