The Journey
How will I know I'm on the right path?

Posted on Mon 11 Jul 2022 · by Jennifer Dale
When I listen for clarity, I go back to the beginning - to the inspiration and essence of an idea. To a moment of clear calling from within. I want to be reminded of my why, and where it came from. How will I know I’m on the right path? If love for the Divine, myself, and others lights the way.
A year ago, I heard a call to lift up the kind of womanhood – and beautiful sisterhood – that our world needs, and to do it in a way that reaches beyond my own familiar faith and culture, while still maintaining the spirit of the Truth that I love and know in my core.
Honest Heart Journeys began in my heart with the following poem, which I revisited today:
The Journey
Every woman has her journey, shedding
stories from the past.
The world lays lessons daily at her feet.
Like Martha, who yearns to be Mary sitting
at the feet of Christ,
we need to be fed, renewed, restored,
so that our care for others is genuine
and inspired.
"I bring my honest heart," she says.
Along the path, weary and alone,
she eyes the struggle before her
and begins the climb of self-discovery.
The Trail's name is Process,
and she travels it with grace.
Embracing the journey,
she releases anger, doubt and fear,
and presses on, views of promised clarity
at the top.
"I bring my honest heart," she says.
"I am ready to sever the tethers of limitation,
insecurity, and others' expectations.
Sheltering for the night
with humility's trusted Sisters,
coaxed and held in their presence,
she surrenders the old "me" -
all beliefs and deeds of "self,"
and the world's vain views of Woman's worth.
In the gentle hues of dawn, revealed
before her is her eternal Truth.
She has birthed what has always been:
her cherished self;
her valued voice;
the message of her story.
"I bring my honest heart," she says, "now to others."
Cradled, humbled, forgiven, reborn,
she joins the circle of sisters at the Celebration Fire -
joy warming her, their voices rising as one, stories
spilling forth as timeless lessons.
As morning light spreads, she is
peaceful, refreshed, and held
in this sacred understanding of sisters.
"I will see you again," she tells them. "My heart is honest,
and the journey is a constant one."
- Jennifer Dale
After revisiting my why today, I share this offering as a humble poet. It's not done yet, and I expect to return to this piece often as the what and how of Honest Heart Journeys unfold. I encourage you to give yourself the time to keep your own why clear and fresh. We are all called to love, and only we discover how.