You are worthy. Valuable. Enough.

Posted on Mon 2 May 2022 · by Jennifer Dale
Are you worthy? Valuable? Enough?
Over the years, in conversations with women of all ages, and in navigating my own sense of identity, WORTH has risen again and again as one of womanhood’s greatest concerns.
To me, knowing that we are worthy – to see, accept and live our whole, radiant power – is our greatest need.
Question is, where do we look to find our value? To societal expectations? Or within, to our Infinite Source, where we discover and activate our own unique purpose and gifts?
Society sets its own changing standards of worth. Today, social media celebrates “perfection” seen in images of highly-orchestrated selfies and inauthentic lives, and popularity defined by Likes.
Before that, culture had very specific expectations of women. While my grandmother wasn’t allowed to pursue her individual dreams and potential, my mother navigated the post WWII “Leave it to Beaver” generation and built a wonderful career on the heels of raising my brother and me. By the time I became a mother, what I heard for my generation was that we could, and should, do it all. That determined our worth.
At times, I’ve asked myself how much I’ve proved by what I’ve done. While I wouldn’t give up my freedom to carve my own path, I don’t see that accomplishment defines me. I’ve also become more honest with myself about how well I’ve handled what I see as others’ expectations.
Some of us are ‘people pleasers’ who do what we think others expect of us. How often have I said, “I’m happy with whatever everyone else wants”? There’s nothing wrong with happily doing for others, something that brings me such genuine joy, unless we do it for acceptance or because we haven’t valued ourselves enough to have our own opinions and priorities.
This is where the honest heart comes in. How aware are we of the motives that drive us because we don’t feel good enough or worthy of having our own voice? How often have we bragged about being master multitaskers? Maybe we feel more valuable when we’ve heard others say, “I just don’t know how you do it all!” The busier our calendars, the more we’re juggling, the more needed and respected we feel.
Underneath, there can be a nagging need for others’ approval because we don’t feel valuable to ourselves, or trust our own instincts. Or we have a need to be needed in order to feel enough.
Authenticity, balance and grace matter. Loving our own distinct worth matters.
Worth doesn’t come from others’ opinions or the latest generational expectations. It’s within us from the beginning, part of our unique identity, whether we accept it or not.
It takes grace to recognize our worth and allow it to shine. To know that we are enough.
I’ve come to a sense of peace that my worth has never been about what I’ve done, but how I’ve done it, and how I’ve grown in the process. Have I chosen to be a victim, or victor? Have I gone on bended knee with a genuine desire to be self-aware and to correct misconceptions? Have I given myself the grace of forgiveness and patience when I’ve fallen short? Have I exercised principled discipline to form better habits?
Have I been still and listened to the Divine when I haven’t seen the answer…then laughed when I realized that’s where I should have gone in the first place?
God creates, knows, prospers and protects each of Her ideas. How could I ever doubt, or see myself as anything less than worthy in Her eyes?
We are each whole and worthy in whatever purpose or role we choose. Sometimes life brings opportunities to us. There are infinite ways in which we can live with grace and love, for ourselves and others. It is right to be satisfied with who we are.
So yes, you are worthy. Valuable. Enough.