A Journey of Self-reflection, Friendship and Transformation on the Camino
"Though I’d never been drawn to women’s group travel and I was not familiar with The Work of Byron Katie, I instantly knew this was the right journey at the right time."

Posted on Thu 12 Dec 2024 · by Patricia Ruhman Seggiaro
I learned about Honest Heart Journeys a few months before the Camino when on an April autumn evening in the southern hemisphere, my husband and I hosted his cousin Aileen and her husband Scot for a casual dinner at our home in San Isidro -- a small town on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.
Some people would say it was “by chance,” but I have learned over the years that nothing in my life happens by coincidence.
The conversation flowed effortlessly, and just as they were about to leave, Aileen’s past Camino experiences suddenly came to mind and I asked her if she had any new trips planned. She replied that she was going back to the Camino with HHJ and a very special group of women next September and she would love for me to join!
A sudden spark lit up my chest, spreading a warm joy through me. Though I’d never been drawn to women’s group travel and I was not familiar with The Work of Byron Katie, I instantly knew this was the right journey at the right time.
That night, I reflected on my reasons for joining HHJ’s Camino. I wasn’t driven by a promise or a quest to find life’s meaning.
Yet, the more I thought about it, the more I was captivated by the idea of walking in the footsteps of countless pilgrims who, over more than twelve centuries, journeyed across Europe to the legendary Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. So, in September 2024, at the age of 59, I embarked on my first pilgrimage.
It was a journey that transformed me, leaving me both the same person who began it and someone profoundly changed by it.
I’d always considered myself active and open, but the Camino was a unique challenge --- physical, emotional, and rich with opportunities for self-reflection and meditation. With each step toward Compostela, the layers of my identity - woman, wife, mother, Brazilian living in Argentina, non-religious Jew, passionate lawyer and reader - gradually peeled away, exposing me to my raw and tangible essence.
Although I've traveled to profound destinations like India, Japan, Egypt and Peru, looking back at my Camino, I realize that in this journey I approached the most important temple of all: the one within myself. Far from my loved ones, yet deeply connected to them, I journeyed with no maps, compasses or Google guidance - and found fulfillment.
Before this transformative experience, I wasn't looking for connection or emotional support. Yet the HHJ Camino offered me both: a community of extraordinary women and the chance to engage with The Work of Byron Katie - a powerful tool for self-inquiry that supported me through a journey of 220 km over two weeks. It was a walk full of healing, joy, kindness, celebration, delight and sisterhood.
For those reading these words, here are my mottos for the Camino:
- “Going on a pilgrimage is not just walking, it is also praying with your feet.”
- “Walk slow, don’t run. The only place where you must arrive is yourself.”
- Ortega Gasset - “Nothing changes. If I change, everything changes.”
- Marcel Proust - Walking transcends language, sex, nationality, gender, age or religion. (myself)
Thank you so much Jennifer Dale, founder of HHJ and Aileen Cheatham, facilitator for The Work of Byron Katie, and my extraordinary Camino Sisters for making this extraordinary experience possible.
They say the Camino gives you what you need. It is unique for each one of us.