I see the turning of seasons in words.
With the ebb and flow of the calendar year, new words reveal themselves for me to explore. I love to listen and follow their signs.
Last year, I found home in Wholeness.
I found a feeling, a knowing, and nothing that I needed to quantify or will into being. It invited surrender.
Wholeness is abundance in all its forms, in every aspect of life. It whispers of worth that’s not contingent on what I’ve done, or not done – but on what’s baked innately into its layers.
Mind, body, soul, spirit, purpose, promise, connection, belonging…they’re all there. No need to intellectualize or philosophize, but rather FEEL & KNOW.
Wholeness is a certainty that aligns with and trusts its source, and its natural, continuous flow of energy.
Two years ago, the word ALLOW came to me. I wrote it on a rock that I placed at the base of the Cruz de Ferro on my first Camino. It was a simple, heartfelt acknowledgement that built on the previous year’s call to TRUST UNFOLDMENT.
Now I was going to get out of its way.
At the highest part of the Camino on my first pilgrimage, I surrendered ego and self control to allow Life to lead.
Last September on the Camino, a new word took the lead. As I walked the spirals of a Celtic stone labyrinth amidst a grove of trees one afternoon, I heard, “Be a WITNESS.” |
In that gentle whisper, I found myself ready to witness the evidences that trust and allowing bring.
It called for expectation. Not just hope.
I know that wonderful things are happening. Whether I see them or not, I feel their presence. Though I don't know details, I know that I am part of something bigger that God knows.
I am here, listening and watching.
For a change, I don't have to make anything happen. I just leave my mental house open and flexible, and as my calendar gently unfurls, I don't question. I know I'll see the reason.
I've found peace in stillness that doesn't measure time. It allows me to experience fullness without guilt that I should be doing something more, or different. Stillness calls me to stop and just BE.
I don’t expect that people, circumstances, or mindsets have to align for the natural flow of Wholeness. It just is… in all its unlimited, unfettered, natural magnificence – Good allowed, trusted and witnessed.
There's a beautiful enoughness in letting go of ego and opening thought to what has been awaiting it. _______________________________ I am happy even before I have a reason.
I am full of Light even before the sky Can greet the sun or the moon.
Dear companions, We have been in love with God For so very, very long.
― Hafiz