Joy calls us home when we feel lost or alone, scared, or off balance

Posted on Sat 26 Mar 2022 · by Jennifer Dale
Joy is the radiance of knowing that we are loved. It’s rooted deep within with a staying power that reaches the heart. It’s not fleeting, as happiness can be, but it calls us home when we feel lost or alone, scared, or off balance. It called to me just this morning.
My mother-in-law once told me that, we know we’re giving into the limiting, destructive thoughts of a power other than the Divine if our joy is gone.
Joy has always been my simple litmus test. Do I feel it grounding and guiding me, no matter who, or what, is going on around me?
Bestselling author and coach, Martha Beck, says that there are four things that people the world over yearn for: love, peace, freedom, and joy. These are the very experiences central to an Honest Heart journey. We want you to feel their empowering clarity.
They silence destructive suggestions that women sometimes hear - that we’re not enough, or we’re trapped in cultural expectations; that life can be an empty checklist or endless responsibility, without joy; or that we’re not sure of our purpose and gifts. Peace, love, freedom, and joy call us safely home.