There’s a joy that resonates from deep within when our heart is aligned with our wholeness, when our core is constant, no matter what shifts around us.

Posted on Sat 19 Mar 2022 · by Jennifer Dale
Transition. It’s a constant in every one of our lives. Whether it’s outward circumstances or internal growth, we are each always unfolding.
This ongoing journey demands an honest heart, open and eager for clarity and freedom, and peace with what I call "the lessons of our stories."
This week, my thoughts have rested with several women whom I love and greatly admire whose husbands passed this past year. I can’t imagine what they feel. What I see, though, is the incredible grace with which they are carrying on through this personal time of transition.
We each have our own response when our world shifts around us. Our own way back. Not to who we were before, but to alignment with a greater understanding that we are whole in the eyes of the Divine, now and always.
There are other ways that life shifts – like your child growing up and moving out, or leaving a career that’s given you a sense of identity and purpose for a long time. Others move on from a marriage after years of familiarity and commitment. Every new step calls for deeper self awareness, humility, and love.
There’s a joy that resonates from deep within when our heart is aligned with our wholeness, when our core is constant, no matter what shifts around us.
I really saw it this week in the eyes of one of these women, who lost her husband, as she is back to traveling and sharing posts from abroad. There is a spiritual peace when she speaks - a light beyond person, place or time. In a recent email, she shared her current journey with me: "Mine has been about LOVE, connecting to that enormous resource and powering out from there with the gentleness of a sunbeam."
Life is a journey that asks us to know and care for our heart.